
Customer Testimonials

Our wonderful customers are the reason we’re in business. Here are some of the great things they’ve said about us.

I thought today, after the good job delivered by my cleaning team, that it is unusual to have high quality work accompanied by good care for pets. As I celebrated my 70th birthday, I reflected on the people who help me have the life I want, and McGuire’s is part of that group. Thank you, Karen. — Marion M. Rhinebeck, NY 

McGuire’s is the best cleaning service in Dutchess County, NY. I was so impressed with the services they provide. They really do clean top to bottom. My hardwood floors and kitchen cabinets look like new again. My house and windows have never been so clean. Calling McGuire’s was the best decision. I have a very busy schedule and they took one stress away from me. Thank you McGuire’s! — Andrea C. Hopewell Junction, NY 

“Even my husband noticed! You gave me a brand new house!” — Caroline C. Holmes, NY 

I purchased a gift certificate from McGuire’s for my elderly mother, their service was professional and efficient from start to finish. The cleaning team arrived at my mom’s house with a game plan and left the house spotless! My mother was not only impressed with the quality of service but the care and respect given to her by the McGuire’s staff, we will be utilizing their services again. — Sandra R. Providence, RI

“Thank you for your consistently good service. Your staff is always professional and efficient!” — Kathy B. Rhinebeck, NY

​”Terrific cleaning service!” — Elissa B. Hopewell Junction, NY

​”Service is reliable–staff is very courteous. A good business as advertised.” — John M. Hopewell Junction, NY

“McGuire’s makes it possible for us to stay in our house. I always feel good when they leave–they are a God-send!” — Louise M. Wappingers Falls, NY

“Who deserves the most thanks? My friend who recommended McGuire’s Top to Bottom Cleaning Service… or the friendly people of McGuire’s of Top to Bottom Cleaning? You’ve given me life back because now I have time for friends, fun, travel, hobbies and so much more. When I step into my just-cleaned home, I feel like dancing. There’s such a wonderful feeling of freedom and the smell of my carefully-cleaned home is so comforting and satisfying. When your ladies appear with all your cleaning supplies, I can walk away knowing they are true professionals … trustworthy, careful and efficient. Best of all, I feel they really know their work and are satisfied only when they’ve done the best job possible. My heartfelt thanks to all of you!” — Valerie C. Hyde Park, NY

“McGuire’s Top to Bottom is top notch. The staff is reliable and entirely trustworthy. The McGuire’s are professional, friendly, and amazingly flexible. They have our enthusiastic recommendation. They’ve been keeping our house clean for many years. They’ve washed our windows and cleaned out our gutters- all very efficiently.”— Janet W. Poughkeepsie, NY

“We’re really enjoying the nice CLEAN smell in the house after you’ve been here.
The rugs look, feel and smell, as if they’ve been shampooed after you’ve vacuumed the carpets. Your professionalism in dealing with your clients is superb.
Thanks!”— Cathy C. Wappingers Falls, NY

“We use McGuire’s for a thorough annual cleaning of our guest cottage. You’ve done an excellent job for us and really helped us out under a tight deadline.”— Sprout Creek Farm Poughkeepsie, NY

“McGuire’s Top to Bottom cleaning Service is very reliable and professional. They have been quite accommodating when we’ve needed schedule adjustments. Our office is always clean and fresh.”— Hopewell Orthodontics Hopewell Junction, NY